The future of learning will be multidisciplinary and focused on skills and competencies such as creativity and critical thinking

Arkki Croatia

June 14, 2021 — Arkki International, a world reference in creative education via architecture and design with 27 years of experience and present in 9 countries, is starting operations in Croatia. In June, Arkki will organize workshops on urban planning and in September the first Arkki school located in Sibenik and an additional classroom in Split will offer long-term program courses and workshops. Arkki aims to expand to other cities of the country in the future.

Cities filled with music, underwater buildings, or new energy resources!

EU New European Bauhaus initiative

April 23, 2021 — Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth, Finland, and Arkki Greece are running a child participation project. They are taking part in the open co-planning EU initiative New European Bauhaus. The program aims to connect people to build beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places to live together after the pandemic. Arkki has conducted numerous co-planning projects in different countries.  This is the first time involving children on the European level.

“Arkki 25 years” book now available at Booky

April 16, 2021 — Learn more about Arkki’s pedagogy, development, and activities across two and a half decades, through kids’ most remarkable projects and the articles written by experts, collaborators, and friends. The book compiles 25 years of history and pedagogy, with more than 300 pictures and 180 pages of pupils’ projects. It includes images of some of its thousands of courses and workshops organized for more than 25,000 children in 50 countries.

Arkki International receives two recognitions for its work on creativity and its innovative approach and impact in education

November 4, 2020 — Creative Education by Arkki International has been selected by The LEGO Foundation and Global non-profit HundrED as one of the 20 leading innovations fostering creativity in education. The Spotlight on Creativity highlights some of the leading education innovations in the world focused on cultivating creativity both inside and outside the classroom. This research project aims to discover and celebrate leading innovations doing exceptional work in fostering creativity in education. Arkki is proud to be recognized as one of the most impactful innovations fostering creativity in education.

Arkki’s Children Innovate Program shortlisted in UNICEF CFCI Inspire Awards 2019

UNICEF CFCI Inspire Awards 2019

October 1, 2022 • Arkki’s program is one of the Top 20 Globally Meaningful Child-Participation in UNICEF’s Child-Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) Inspire Awards 2019. The initiative was shortlisted among more than 200 applications. This award celebrates good, innovative and inspiring solutions or projects that foster child rights and improve the daily lives of children and youth at the local level.

A big model envisioning a future helsinki made by 900 Arkki pupils. The model is made out of wooden blocks.

Geleceğin Şehirleri Atölye Çalışması

Bu atölyede katılımcılar, mimar ve şehir plancısı rolünü üstlenir ve birlikte geleceğin şehirlerini tasarlayıp inşa ederler. Katılımcılar, kentsel alanlar, kentsel aktiviteler, hizmetler, kamu binaları, konutlar, rekreasyon alanları, kamu ve özel alanlar, çevrenin karakteri, ulaşım ve erişilebilirlik gibi farklı kentsel planlama konularını keşfederler.

Her katılımcı, şehre kendi katkısını yapar ve bu katkılar bir araya gelerek şehrin bütününü oluşturur. Takımın her üyesinin yaptığı katkı bireysel olsa da bütünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır.

Atölye, tarih boyunca çeşitli şehir planlarını, kentsel alanları ve kentsel aktiviteleri, ayrıca yapı geleneklerini ve düzenlemelerini tanıtan ilham verici bir ders içerir.

Tatlı Şehir Atölye Çalışması

Tatlı Şehir atölyesi, katılımcıları ilk görüşte büyüler ve şehir planlaması ile iyi bir çevre hakkında bilgi edinmeyi lezzetli bir uygulama haline getirir. Öğrenme bundan daha eğlenceli ve lezzetli olamaz!

Atölyede katılımcılar mimar ve şehir plancısı rolüne bürünerek, bisküvi, gofret ve şeker gibi lezzetli malzemelerden kendi köylerini tasarlar ve inşa ederler. Bu atölye, farklı duyuların kullanımı, deneyler ve 3B modelleme yöntemleri ile uygulamalı öğrenmeyi, ayrıca takım çalışması ve tartışmaları içerir.

Atölye, şehir planlamasının kompakt tarihini, şehirdeki farklı unsurları, çağdaş yüksek binaları ve kentsel planlamayı tanıtan ilham verici bir ders içerir.